Normal Gallbladder Histology

Normal Gallbladder Histology This is a low power photomicrograph of the wall of a normal gallbladder. Note the delicate finger-like projections (fronds) of the mucosa Just next to this is the muscularis mucosa, seen here as loosely connected bundles of smooth muscle. Deep to that is some connective tissue of the gallbladder bed. On its peritoneal aspect the gallbladder is covered only by a single layer of mesothelium. Thus, the gallbladder has a much simpler wall structure than the GI tract. The thickness is only about 2 mm. The implications for penetration of stones, spread of inflammation, and perforation are obvious. Courtesy Barbara Banner Artistic rendering by Davidoff Art

Normal Gallbladder Histology

This is a low power photomicrograph of the wall of a normal gallbladder. Note the delicate finger-like projections (fronds) of the mucosa Just next to this is the muscularis mucosa, seen here as loosely connected bundles of smooth muscle. Deep to that is some connective tissue of the gallbladder bed. On its peritoneal aspect the gallbladder is covered only by a single layer of mesothelium. Thus, the gallbladder has a much simpler wall structure than the GI tract. The thickness is only about 2 mm. The implications for penetration of stones, spread of inflammation, and perforation are obvious.